Your prayers are just as valuable as your donations. We believe so strongly in the power of prayer and intercession. A failure in ministry is a failure in prayer. So please please please, keep us in your hearts and prayers. Here are some directives:
Please pray for the case in the "Recent News" section. Ask God to serve justice and ask for an appropriate sentence for what this man did to the 4-year-old child.
For the safety of all children in this world, especially those that are being exploited and trafficked into the sex trade.
Prayer against child abuse in all areas, and that there would be a supernatural covering over the children of this world, with their mind body and soul.
Prayer for those that are abusing our children. They are wounded individuals that need the love of God shown to them also.
Pray that through the action of love shown to these individuals, a healing process would take place, ending hate crimes towards the little children.
Safety for the teams that are going in to these areas with the Gospel, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper.
Wisdom on how to minister for each individual that we come across. Guidance from the Holy Spirit, on what, when and how, in all situations.
That before we even go in to a area, the Holy Spirit would go in before and prepare the field for the harvest.
That the team would never fall into being judgmental but would always have a pure heart, flowing with the true love of God.
That all our needs would be met each month, and then some. Pray for an abundance.
That God is moving amongst the people and lives are changing. That more labourers would come forth, hand picked by the Holy Spirit.
And the most important, that God himself would be glorified at all times, in all the areas we serve Him here at this ministry.
Thank you so much, you awesome prayer warriors. This battle will not be won without you and your prayers.